"In essentials, unity; In non-essentials, liberty; and in all things, love."
Granger Brethren Church
In God's Service Since 1892
Vital Records
We are proud to announce that the first book of our archival project has been completed as of August 1, 2014. The oldest church record has been digitized and translated from Czech script into English. You will find inside the founding families of the Granger Brethren Church congregation.
Click on the images to view files. The records are searchable and often there are indexes available.
Check back later for more updates!
Pages from archive inventory number [1.0.09]
Granger Brethren Church, "Original Oldest Church Record Book," Baptisms, unnumbered p. 1-14. Baptisms; digital images, Baptisms Section. 2014.
Oldest Baptism Records
Scanned pages from archive inventory number [1.0.09]
Granger Brethren Church, "Original Oldest Church Record Book," Membership, unnumbered p. 50-138. Membership; digital images, Administrative Papers Series. 2014.
Pages from archive inventory number [2.1.09]
Granger Brethren Church, "Religious Rites and Sermon Outlines" Minister's Papers/Rev. Joseph Barton. 2014.